Friday, August 15, 2008

Outline Mask

I've got lots of little, routine things to do today, but I've never been good at that kind of work: it's a real effort for me, and I'm always tempted to be a total baby about it. When I'm trying to resist that temptation, this is the pin I choose.

One the one hand, there's the cheery 'hair' with colourful beads: "look at how happy I am doing my work", it seems to say, and that's the demeanour I try to pull off. On the other hand, there's the doleful face, which completely undermines the message of the hair: "wow, this sucks" the mouth would say (if there was one). The face mourns on my behalf.

Ignoring my narcissistic interpretation of the pin, it's actually an aesthetic delight, I think. A very modern take on a traditional African theme. A simple, engaging pleasure in silver (with no room for a signature).

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