I love this little guy. It's not because he reminds me of
Kim Jong-il, of course: it's his wide-eyed, arms and legs akimbo stance that's appealing. It's almost a "bring it on - but don't hurt me" look, which will resonate with many people, I suspect (including Kim Jong-il).
I picked him out because I had a 6am start, which is always painful, and he seemed to capture my early morning mood very nicely. And my hair looks like his if I don't get it cut regularly. He's made of silver, and numbered but not signed, so no info on the designer, alas.
Yo Ant, This pin is in my top 10. The fact that it means "bring it on, but don't hurt me" makes me like it all the more. Did anyone hurt you today? Or were they charmed by your foreign charms... and that new cologne you're wearing! ;-) C.
I didn't get hurt, and I doubt that anyone noticed my cologne - which was a pity, because it's not cheap. It was actually pretty quiet, which was probably because I wore this pin :)
ant, i think i caught a whiff of that cologne - niiiice.
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