Sunday, August 3, 2008

Determined Dog

There's something utterly appealing about the seriousness of this dog. If he bit me I wouldn't resent it. If he bit you, I'd rub his head by way of congratulation. It's not like he's hiding his sense of purpose, is it? And what other purpose does a dog with a spiky collar and a frown have but to bite something?

This is a good pin to wear when my intention is to grab the day by the scruff of the neck and squeeze. Whether my intention is followed by action usually varies, but that's hardly the fault of this determined chap.

His head is silver, his ears are deeply powder-coated and his collar is bronze, which is an interesting mix of materials. In style, he reminds me of the characters in Les Aventures de TinTin, which might be why I'm so fond of him.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Followed the link to Wiki TinTin stuff. Seems we missed the dedicated shop for all their very neat-o gifts in Covent Garden, London... not that we could have afforded anything there! Thanks for the link, though. I saw a stuffed Snowy the dog that was pretty cute. xo C.