One consequence is that I frequently sit back, mesmerized by my internal 'show', lost in the endless whirl of stuff and the infinite possibilities contained therein. Christy calls it "spacing out", but from my point of view it's "tuning in" to a channel I don't want to change. It's a miracle I get anything done at all when you think about it (some would argue that I don't)...
But I digress. The Butterfly's a delightful pin, simple in form, clever in the use of materials and engaging in personality. The eyes are glass beads, the body's frame is steel, and the thorax is a polished red mineral of some sort - I don't think it's glass. The abdomen is a translucent mineral that might be quartz: the tiny dark spots are suspended within the material. No name on this one, alas.
This Butterfly looks as if it is concentrating on something across the room, it's pensive, and it may fly right off the shirt...I'd keep a tiny net around if I were you Ant...but then again, maybe it has a good clasp on the back to keep it in its place.?
lol! I have only the magnetism of my personality to keep him close ;)
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