Come on. Admit it. He's irresistible, right? Technically a stud rather than a pin, the Starman is my choice when it's time to march joyfully into the future, regardless of knowing what that future holds. After a full day of company strategy yesterday (my excuse for failing to post), the future of my work is theoretically less uncertain: and in these
troubled times, having a future - even a theoretical one - is not to be sneezed at. As a natural-born
cynic, I sometimes need to be reminded that optimism is not synonymous with lunacy - and that's when I sport the Starman.
Starman is solid silver, has the rounded forms we associate with children and small animals (aaaaah), a little tuft of hair to die for, and the hint of a button-up shirt or jacket: another example of extreme simplicity being highly evocative. He was designed by Annie Kajiya, the founder of "Anni & Co" (which is stamped on his back). According to one retailer, the company was retired eight years ago, but I bet there are more Kajiya works to be found...
I love this little guy. I guess because he makes me smile and looks like he's about to give you a great big hug... kind of like you (weekends only)! ;-) C.
Ahhhh, I love Starman. He reminds me of Smokey...my cat. Which reminds me....when are you going to give me all of your cat pins? You don't like cats as I recall. But I do!
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