Saturday, October 11, 2008

Love this: Cooliris

If you use Firefox, you need the Cooliris add-on. It's a great way to browse sites like Amazon and YouTube - even The Daily Pin - through their pictures. It's free, so install it, explore with it and marvel at how it sets you free.


SCS said...

every time I try to download this I get an error :(((

Ant said...

Try adding it from the Firefox Tools menu. Select "Add-ons" then "Get add-ons" and enter cooliris in the search bar (if it's not displayed).

That's how I did it on my Mac, but it should be much the same on a PC...

SCS said...

I'm on a Mac, I followed your instructions, but got the same error. :( Why won't it let me do what I want!?

Ant said...

Beats me... Are you using the right version of the OS? And are you the Admin on your Mac? This is such a shame - it's a killer app!