Friday, October 3, 2008

Rockhopper Penguin

There's something odd about this penguin, which I can't quite put my finger on. It might be that he's kinda cute and cuddly, but simultaneously knowing, even sinister, like a dwarf from Lord of the Rings. Whatever it is, the duality made him a good choice for today's mixture of thinking and doing.

As you know, I like thinking, but I'm not keen on doing. For a working stiff, this would be a crippling handicap: but as a privileged knowledge worker, it's not quite as serious. Nonetheless, even knowledge workers have to get shit done sometimes, so I did the thinking then got on with the doing while the Rockhopper looked on.

The pin's made of silver, and has a subtle level of dimensionality to him. He's not fully 3D, but he's not 2D either, a very pleasing result which speaks well of the designer. The initials "BPMW" are stamped on his back, but a quick search revealed that a marketing agency called BrandPimps uses those initials: as you might expect, they don't design pins.

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