Sunday, September 28, 2008

Walking Trio

Sunday's typically a super-lazy day, and this Sunday's no exception. A glance online confirmed that far too many of my friends were out running, planning to run, or otherwise being healthy: "bugger that", was my response.

Rather than contemplate something - anything - energetic, I rounded up my Walking Trio to march across my T-shirt, so Jack and I could drive to breakfast. Living in the 'burbs means you have to drive pretty much everywhere to get anywhere, but even if I didn't have to drive, I'd delegate to the Trio in any case. Isn't that what Sunday's for?

The Trio's comprised of three characters by Mariscal, who's a famous Spanish artist and designer (though web design is clearly NOT his forte). I think they're members of the Cobi Troupe, but was too lazy to do much research on this - sorry. The characters are studs rather than pins/badges, and are made of stainless steel. And each is delicious in its evocative simplicity - especially the little dog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the middle dude can't be Mickey Mouse (given you HATE little Mickey and most things Disney)... but it bares a striking similarity. Maybe you really are softening in your advancing years! he he. C.