Thursday, September 18, 2008


I don't like phones in general, and I dislike phone conferences in particular. But Cisco's MeetingPlace plumbs new depths in the telecommunications experience, creating its own Circle of Hell for you to share with colleagues. I had five hours of MeetingPlace scheduled today, so my pin choice was both obvious and understandable.

The Crab isn't only associated with low expectations though. He's a natural choice for a beach trip of course, or for any day when I'm feeling feisty. I think it's got something to do with how three-dimensional and shiny he is, and how my perception of him changes depending on how I position him on my T-shirt. I had him at a jaunty angle today, which took the edge of my Cisco-induced glumness. The Crab is solid silver and surprisingly detailed - but unsigned, so I can't say more about him.

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