Taking it from left to right, there's a man sat in a frame nursing a tankard: a black cone stands above him. To the right of him is a trio of frames and two textured gold bars, one horizontal and one vertical. Above them stands a ladder, atop of which sits a woman drinking from a tankard. Quite how - or whether - one should interpret this collection, I really can't say. But I bet they're drinking beer.
Even the materials are a bit of a mystery. The cone could be ebony, or it could be plastic: it feels like ebony though. I think the people and frames are blackened silver, and the textured bars are made of gold. The initials MTJO are on the back, but I couldn't find out anything more, which is a pity: I really like this pin, and would like to see whether the designer's other works are similarly enigmatic. I hope so.
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