Friday, September 12, 2008

Propellor Head

In some ways, this pin is a natural follow-up to yesterday's choice. While my mind is wandering less randomly, it's still far from its typically zen-like state, and Propellor Head represents that well. The propellor, hat, head and collar all rotate freely, producing a decidedly disjointed air: which is unfortunately rather apt. Even the wheel (replacing the feet) rotates sideways rather than forwards.

I don't wear this pin very often, because it's pretty big and heavy and needs a sturdy T-shirt to support it. But I like the overall form, it's always cool to have moving parts, and I like that the head has two faces which are similar, but not the same. The server at Peets liked it too.

The pin was designed by Beth Piver, and might be an early piece since it's not one of the seven pins shown on her website. There's a variant called Unicycle which she sells as a pendant though. She describes her materials as "mixed metals", which in this case means silver, steel, iron, brass and copper.

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