I'm not a religious person, but that's no impediment to appreciating the Christmas spirit, especially the "peace and goodwill to all men" stuff: what a pity there isn't more of that about. But one example of (temporarily) beating swords into ploughshares has endured.
For fifty years, NORAD has provided a Santa tracking service, so you can follow Santa around the globe as he delivers all those gifts. This year, there's even a 3D version based on the stunning Google Earth. And don't miss the Kids' Countdown, even though it's over - there's still fun stuff to explore there.
Christmas is also a time when I remember (all too painfully) those I've loved and lost, most especially my Mum. This was always a special time for her, and she always made it a special time for my brother and me. Whatever your beliefs, hug your nearest and dearest: hold them close, show them that you care. Do it now. And do it often.

Beautiful Picture Ant. Happy New Year. Hope you had a great holiday!!
You too, lovely :)
Hope that opening night went well!
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