Friday, December 5, 2008

Lego Reware

Yesterday's estimate for replacing our heating and air conditioning came in under five figures, which was a huge relief, so I pulled out the Lego Reware this morning. This pin is pure fun, so I hoped it'd influence my day accordingly. I got a lot of work done and nothing bad happened, neither of which equates to "fun"... But they're not to be sneezed at in these troubled times. Let's call it a fair to middling performance.

Emiko Oye designed the pin, bringing together salvaged materials to create a vivid, graphical statement. The six Lego bricks (yes, they're real Lego bricks) are overlaid with an engraved, sterling silver strip, which I think was cut from another piece of jewelry. The bottom brick is pierced by a silver stud (bottom right).

I'm afraid I disagree with Emiko's assertion that "...reware bestows upon the wearer a sense of uniqueness and self-assurdness [sic] in our fast-forward culture": but I admire her own uniqueness and self-assuredness in making it. My pins don't define me: I define my pins, as regular readers know.


Unknown said...

thanks for blogging about my jewelry! we need more male jewelry-wearing advocates like you! emiko

Ant said...

Thanks for letting me know you dropped by, emiko! If you have any background info you'd like to share about my Reware pin, or your other pieces, I'd be happy to post your thoughts :)