Bought this one directly from Roland Dubuc, at his studio/store in Montreal. This is one of the simpler pieces he's made, although there's a lot of subtlety in the texture of the silver which I can't bring out with a lo-rez iSight. I don't need a reason to wear this pin - I loved it as soon as I saw it.
All of his pieces are created from a single sheet of metal (gold, silver, whatever). As Roland's profile explains: "Each work begins as a drawing and a model then is transformed into a sheet of gold or silver, folded, twisted, knotted and refolded again."
Christy bought a more complex piece, which I think is achingly lovely - but she'll have to blog about that herself. Check out Roland's work - you won't be disappointed.
So, you are the only person I've met that wears a daily pin. But, it seems like from your blog, it's actually more common than I thought. Is it more so in England? And, where to you buy these pins? It seems there are certain designers that are well known for creating these beautiful things :)
I don't think it's a common thing to do, especially for men, based on what people have told me. But it's true that there are many pins out there if you wanted to start wearing them...
Most of my pins have been bought from arty boutiques, or occasionally online. Some of the fancier ones were bought directly from the artists in their studios. Be prepared for sticker shock though, especially if they're REALLY nice ;)
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