I'm still wearing pins every day (use Cooliris to view all my posted pins simultaneously), but I'm rarely in a condition to photograph or write about them by day's end. I started a course of antibiotics, and hope to resume normal service soon.
Which pin (badge) is Ant wearing today?
This has been the worst flu in my memory. Just when you start to look like you're through the worst of it, you dive back down. Please please please get more rest and skip the travel this week! Let those other Intuit innovators run the show and you concentrate on getting better! (insert Marge Simpson growl here). C.
Ant, get better soon, we need the daily pin updates!
Ant is going through bags of Ricola cough candies like they are popcorn. With a little luck, this week he will (finally) be well enough to start posting! This year, everyone should get the flu shot! C.
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